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John Harrison replica goes global!

I'm pleased to say that global luxury magazine International Excellence magazine has published news around the completion of my John Harrison replica.

"Following his experience restoring a client’s John Harrison clock, Surrey-based specialist clockmaker Matthew King has created what is believed to be the first ever replica of the earliest Harrison wooden clock, originally produced in 1713 by John Harrison, who later succeeded in solving the problem of calculating longitude while at sea."

The article continues to share my thoughts on the importance of creating replicas.

“Replica clocks provide an opportunity for their owners to take a journey into the mind of Harrison himself and connect with the amazing history of Harrison today. I am passionate about staying true to Harrison’s original designs, methods and practices as I understand them to ensure the replicas are a homage to the original artistry."

Led by Viscount Yves de Contades, International Excellence magazine (as the name suggests!) celebrates excellence from all over the world. It features news, interviews and stories from individuals to inspire its readers to experience life to the full. You can learn more about the publication here.

Thanks to Yves and the team for featuring my news!

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